• Highlights the "total harmony" between Juanma Moreno and the militancy of the Andalusian PP
• "The voice of Andalusia has been very clear and the affiliates have said that they want Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría as president"

The general secretary of the Andalusian PP, Loles López, today expressed the satisfaction of the party leadership for the development of the first round of the election of the PP president, which she described as "a transparent, democratic and loyal process". "Yesterday the PP won and it is the PP that comes out stronger," she said.

López affirmed that "the bases of the PP, which are the strength and soul of the party, chose freely and the voice of Andalusia has been very clear", referring to the clear victory of Soraya de Sáenz de Santamaría both in Spain as a whole and In Andalucia.

Referring to the results in the community, he pointed out as an example that "if Andalusia were a single constituency, there would be no second round", since the candidacy of Sáenz de Santamaría has obtained more than 50 percent of the votes, has won in 5 provinces and has gained more than 15 points of advantage. "The affiliates have clearly said that they want Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría as president," he concluded.

For the general secretary of the PPA, it has become clear that "Andalusia is key in the PP" and she was very satisfied with the "total harmony" between President Juanma Moreno and the party's militancy.

He assured that "the PP is stronger today than yesterday" because the election process has been developed with "elegance, respect and camaraderie." He added that "the side-by-side work" of PPA members and leaders has served to "reactivate the party and continue working to improve the lives of Andalusians."

The general secretary of the PPA pointed out that now there must be a reflection for the Congress and the candidates "have to sit down and talk and there has to be generosity on the part of everyone." She assured that "the militants want him to go together and, above all, they have spoken and have elected Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría."