• The general secretary of the PP of Andalusia, Antonio Repullo, has stressed that this “economic and industrial takeoff” is the result of the change policies of the Government of Juanma Moreno based on fiscal competitiveness, administrative simplification and stability.

• During the inauguration of the Autumn School of the Popular Party of Huelva, which is held in Aracena, he also thanked the majority of Huelva residents for their confidence in the PP project.

The general secretary of the PP of Andalusia, Antonio Repullo, has highlighted the “increasingly strong leadership” of the province of Huelva in the field of the mining, chemical and energy industries, the three great references of the sustainable industry around the that the Huelva province has already managed to attract projects that exceed 3.000 million euros and that will generate more than 7.000 jobs in the coming years in this territory.

In this sense, Repullo has valued the activity of the chemical hub of Huelva, which has an essential role in the development of renewable energies, biofuels or green hydrogen, with related companies as important as Cepsa, Fertiberia or Iberdrola. Likewise, he has stressed that Huelva is currently the undisputed leader in the metal mining sector with 92% of Andalusia's production.

In his opinion, “the mining sector is an engine of wealth and employment for Huelva.” For this reason, he has assured that "the Junta de Andalucía is committed to a sustainable mining industry, respectful of the environment and the people", with programs such as the Plan Crece Industria, "which will allow for the generation of qualified and stable employment in a sector strategic for the economy of this province.”

The general secretary of the Andalusian Popular Party points out that “all this is not the result of chance, but rather a consequence of very specific policies that the Government of Juanma Moreno began to apply almost five years ago and whose formula for success is the combination of a fiscal policy competitiveness, the simplification of bureaucracy and a political and institutional stability almost unique in our country. 

And to all this we must add management very close to the street, constantly listening to citizens, dialogue and consensus with economic and social agents to offer Andalusians the best possible solutions to their problems and public services. adequate and with increasingly higher quality.

Repullo has stated that “in the Popular Party of Andalusia we believe in the potential that exists in this land” and “we are going to continue working to project the wealth of this province from all administrations, taking advantage of the opportunity we have to work side by side with all the town councils and also, for the first time, with the Provincial Council.” A milestone for the PP of Andalusia that the general secretary of the party wanted to highlight by deeply thanking the majority of the people of Huelva for their confidence in the PP project in the last electoral events. 

“We are managing to go hand in hand with the entire society, showing that together we can change things,” he said. In his opinion, “the seal of quality of the Popular Party of Andalusia is that it offers a guarantee of good management to our neighbors” and “we do it without building walls, as others do,” he points out, “building bridges towards understanding, dialogue and the respect". In line with this, Antonio Repullo has assessed the Budget Law project of the Junta de Andalucía for 2024, which contains the historic figure of 342 million euros of investment for the province of Huelva, but which has received the total rejection of the PSOE. TO. 

However, the general secretary of the PP of Andalusia has stated that "no matter how many things they want to put in our wheels, we are not going to allow anyone to stop Andalusia" and has announced that "if there is a demand that the Popular Party of Andalusia is going to be very aware of the electrical planning that this province especially needs,” because “if there are no power lines, there is no development.” And he reiterates: “we will continue to demand that the State comply with this land so that the pending infrastructures become a reality.” “Andalusia needs a modern, functional railway plan that solves the mobility problems of citizens.”

Facing the walls: dialogue, equality and solidarity

There are many pending issues that the PP of Andalusia will not stop demanding, especially at this time when the agreements that have made possible the continuity of Sánchez's Government represent the breakdown of equality between Spaniards. At this point, Repullo has once again stressed that "the PP has been left alone in the defense of fundamental values, such as equality, solidarity and respect for our democratic norms." 

The general secretary of the PP of Andalusia has pointed out that "while Sánchez and his partners boast of wanting to build walls to separate us, the Popular Party seeks to build bridges for understanding and coexistence." Thus, he concluded by reaffirming that “in the PP of Andalusia we are committed to the people. “We are the party that wants to defend the interests of all.” “We do it in institutions and also by channeling the demands of the population in the streets.”

For his part, the president of the PP of Huelva, Manuel Andrés González, highlighted that the Autumn School that was inaugurated today will serve as a meeting point to “listen and learn, in short, so that “everyone contributes their grain of sand so that we continue to grow politically.”

The Autumn School will allow us to address current issues such as the challenges of the new legislature. In this sense, González has stressed that in a year of many changes in which "we have started a new political cycle in many town councils in the province" after the municipal elections in May, it was necessary to have a meeting point where they will deal with “very practical and useful matters to expand knowledge.”