• Ana Mestre: "Susana Díaz manages at the pace of the turtles, she does not go at the pace that the Andalusians demand and the market requires"
  • The Andalusian PP calls for an Andalusian Pact for Education that contributes to improving educational quality and reducing school dropout

The Vice-secretary for Political and Municipal Action of the Andalusian PP, Ana Mestre, highlighted this Tuesday the failure of the Bilingualism Plan launched by the Junta de Andalucía in public educational centers in the 2005-2006 academic year, the replacement of which has been announced now through the Strategic Plan for the Development of Languages.

Mestre has ensured that, after a decade of application, the plan is far from achieving the objectives set. The PSOE committed itself in 2008 to bring bilingualism to 1.200 centers, and even today 180 are missing to reach that figure. In other words: ten years later, bilingualism is only implemented in 34,8 percent of schools, and more than 417.000 students do not have this possibility.

Mestre has indicated that the deficient implementation of the plan and its mediocrity "produced discrimination not only between centers, but even between students of the same course and school, causing inequality between them with the sole criterion of the alphabetical order of their last names."

The Deputy Secretary for Political and Municipal Action of the Andalusian PP has indicated that the new bilingualism plan proposes taking this educational system to another 300 schools, so that, in the most optimistic of scenarios, bilingualism will be implemented in 2020 only in 51 percent of Andalusian centers.

Mestre has assured that the government of Susana Díaz "manages at the pace of turtles, it is not going at the pace that Andalusian students need and that the market demands". “The implementation of bilingualism has been scarce and has developed based on patches”, she has indicated.

Ana Mestre has accused Susana Díaz of "making a tortious use of information", and has given as an example the "lies and crude excuses used to try to counteract the data from the Pisa report". “They said that a sample of Andalusian schools with a low socioeconomic level had been chosen, and now we discovered that 24 percent of that sample is above the Spanish average. It is another deception, another misrepresentation," Mestre has assured.

The deputy secretary of the Andalusian PP has also indicated that, in any case, what this argument of the Andalusian Government would demonstrate is that "the elevator does not go up." It is, she has said, "one more example of the contradictions of 'Susanato'". Mestre has assured that Díaz has missed an opportunity during his tour of Castilla y León to ask how they manage education there.

“Why doesn't something stick to him and he abandons his arrogance?” asked Mestre, who misses in Díaz “humility and desire to manage the affairs of his land well.” The Deputy Secretary of Political and Municipal Action has indicated that what Andalusia needs, and what Susana Díaz refuses, is “a pact for Education that contributes to improving educational levels and reducing school dropout rates.” – See more at: http://ppandalucia.es/el-biling%C3%BCismo-solo-llega-al-35-de-los-colegios-andaluces-diez-anos-despues-de-la-implantacion-del -board-plan.html#sthash.Bg68AVA6.dpuf