• Loles López announces measures, such as support for women entrepreneurs and incentives for companies for stable contracts, to "end the suffocating unemployment rate, above 29%, and reduce the wage gap"

• He has pointed out, on the occasion of the Day against Gender Violence, that an Andalusian Pact is “fundamental”, in which all political parties, administrations and social agents are involved to “put an end once and for all to this social scourge ”

The general secretary of the Andalusian PP and number one for Huelva in Parliament, Loles López, stated this Sunday that "in Huelva and Andalusia we cannot do without the talent and abilities of women" and, for this reason, she continued, "we have We have to put an end to the suffocating female unemployment rate in Huelva, above 29%, two points more than the Andalusian average, and reduce the gender wage gap”.

In this way, he has affirmed that from the Andalusian government, "after obtaining the confidence of the Huelva and Andalusians at the polls in 2D", "the PP will urgently implement a shock plan against female unemployment and in favor of women's employability and equality in employment”.

All this, he added, "with measures that help to alleviate the higher and higher rates of unemployment, almost 11 points more in Andalusia than the national average (16,2%), and job insecurity suffered by women in Andalusia, and that correct the absence in the last 40 years of socialist governments, supported by IU and Ciudadanos, of positive action measures in the design, implementation and evaluation of public employment policies and economic reactivation of equal opportunities.

Among these measures, López has alluded to a "Support Plan for Women Entrepreneurs" with tax incentives and specific financing lines (microcredits and guarantees) "to promote autonomous work among women and promote business initiatives."

The general secretary of the PP Andaluz, in an act in Valverde del Camino, recalled that the Popular Party's electoral program includes a support plan for rural women, "with a specific budget", and a program against labor and salary discrimination of Andalusian women which, among other actions, will entail "promoting a permanent working group with business and trade union organizations".

Likewise, to fight the wage gap, he has pointed out that "when Juanma Moreno is president, he will require all companies that contract with the Board or request aid to have a certificate of equal pay and employment between men and women."

López has also emphasized the proposals of the PP for work, personal and family reconciliation, with measures that go through "incentives" aimed at companies that facilitate reconciliation with flexible hours in the work day, stable and indefinite contracts and the conversion of part-time contracts into full-time.

Likewise, it has announced a "tax reduction" for the reconciliation of work with family life "for each child between three and five years of age, extensive to all working mothers and not limited only to single-parent families, incorporating incentives for telematic work".

At this point, he explained that this proposal is joined by one of the "twenty star measures" of the Popular Party for Andalusia, referring to the "guarantee of free education from 0 to 3 years." “Susana Díaz and her partner Ciudadanos of hers have punished families with medium and low incomes and nursery schools with the 'decree' to daycare centers. By guaranteeing a free education for our boys and girls from 0 to 3 years of age, we make family reconciliation possible in many homes”.

Gender Violence
On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, which is celebrated on November 25, Loles López has indicated that it is "fundamental" to bet on an "Andalusian Pact against Gender Violence" agreed by all political forces , social agents, institutions, public administrations and associations that work in this field "to put an end once and for all to this social scourge". "This pact is a symbol of the necessary consensus on which political and public action against violence against women should pivot."