• PP and Ciudadanos reach an agreement on the Parliamentary Table after the programmatic agreement closed yesterday. Ciudadanos will not be an obstacle to the Presidency of the Board

• Moreno appreciates the work of the teams of both formations in which "the meeting points have prevailed" to "meet the expectations and enthusiasm" of the Andalusians who have asked for a change

The president of the Andalusian PP and candidate for the Presidency of the Board, Juanma Moreno, has valued the agreement that the PP and Ciudadanos have reached this morning on the Andalusian Parliament Table, after the programmatic agreement that was closed on the day from yesterday. Ciudadanos has indicated that they "will not be an obstacle to the Presidency of the Board."

"It is an important day, a reasonable, sensible and rigorous agreement that clears the way for a new government in the Junta de Andalucía," said the popular leader, who stressed that after "fluid" and "calm" negotiations, in which "the meeting points have prevailed", the agreement reached is "clearly positive" for the Andalusians. In addition, he insisted that this agreement "will enable a change of government after forty years of socialist governments in the community" to "meet the expectations and illusion" of the Andalusians who have asked for change.

Juanma Moreno has also valued the work that has made possible the programmatic agreement that PP and Cs have reached in previous days. She said that this agreement of measures is "a road map drawn from serenity and rationality", which allows laying the "base" for an "agenda of change".

The agreement reached today on the Parliamentary Table makes it possible for Ciudadanos to preside over this body and for all political forces with parliamentary representation to have a "voice and vote" in it.

In this sense, he defended dialogue with all political forces. Moreno pointed out that this agreement "overcomes obstacles" and "clears other agreements" on the future Andalusian government in whose model, he stressed "we will get to work starting tomorrow."