• The president of the Andalusian PP says that Díaz "has plenty of propaganda and lacks management" and reproaches him for not knowing how to take advantage of resources to solve the problems of Andalusia
• "Díaz is hurt by the 105 million euros to rescue the motorway, but the 741 million defrauded in the ERE does not hurt him"
• Moreno denounces that in Andalusia there is no public training in aeronautics because the Junta has closed the centers tight and canto and asks what has happened to the plane donated by Airbus to the Junta for student internships
The president of the Andalusian PP, Juanma Moreno, today reproached the president of the Junta, Susana Díaz, for "not knowing how to take advantage of resources to solve problems and improve the lives of Andalusians" and criticized that while Díaz says that "they hurt the 105 million euros of rescue of the motorway, the 741 million defrauded in the ERE do not hurt.
"The real toll that we Andalusians pay is that of his mortgage with Chaves and Griñán," said Moreno, who lamented that Díaz "only hurts what he thinks he can use politically to defraud."
Moreno asked this morning in the control session the president of the Junta in the Parliament of Andalusia about the efficiency in the management of the Andalusian government, in which he reminded her that since she was president of the Junta she has had 160.000 million own budget and 35.000 million direct financing from the Government of Spain through extraordinary mechanisms.
“A lot of money that should have been used, for example, to not have healthcare turned upside down. He can no longer talk about the 'jewel in the crown', because he has spoiled it", said Moreno, who pointed out that the more than 9.000 million investments from the Andalusian budgets that Díaz has stopped executing show that "he does not know how to manage money of the Andalusians.
“How many things could we do with the money that year after year remains in the drawer?”, he added.
Juanma Moreno went on to say that Díaz "has plenty of propaganda and lacks management" and that "he is always in the front line to get medals and hidden to solve problems."
In this sense, he reminded him that despite the importance of the aeronautical sector as a generator of wealth and quality employment, in Andalusia there is no public training in aeronautics. "Young people who see a future in this sector and want to train have to pay for it or go abroad, and the two centers that provided training for employment in aeronautics in San Fernando and San José de la Rinconada are today closed tightly ”, he stressed, while asking him “what happened to the plane donated by Airbus to the Board for student internships”.
"You should be embarrassed that we Andalusians lose so many opportunities because you are incapable of taking advantage of our capacity, our talent and our resources," he insisted.
The president of the Andalusian PP said that this attitude has caused Díaz to "lost the legislature": "The first part of the legislature was dedicated to the mess of the PSOE, and this end of the legislature to defend the two former presidents who are on the bench ”, he reproached him. In addition, he asked for clarification if the Board is going to pay for the defense of the high charges charged in the ERE case, and why the Board has given up on recovering the defrauded money.