• He recalled that the PSOE has "greater parliamentary representation in Andalusia and is not capable of bringing budgets to the chamber"
• Moreno asks Díaz to "abandon the electoral calculations and work a little for the budgets"
• "I would like to know what the general secretary of the Andalusian PSOE thinks about the situation of the president of the Diputación de Huelva"
The president of the Andalusian PP, Juanma Moreno, criticized today in Córdoba the inability of the president of the Board, Susana Díaz to approve the 2019 budgets. He recalled that Pedro Sánchez has more deputies in Congress and intends to approve the General State Budget and Díaz does not do it out of "pure selfish interest."
For Juanma Moreno, the question is where are the budgets of the Junta de Andalucía for the 2019 financial year. "If Pedro Sánchez with 84 deputies wants to present them, how come Susana Díaz, who has more parliamentary representation, is not capable of bringing budgets to the Andalusian camera”.
The leader of the Andalusian PP demanded that Susana Díaz abandon "the electoral calculations, which we miss, that she work a little, that she bring some budgets to the parliamentary headquarters and that she make an effort to reach consensus" with the rest of the political forces so that next year's accounts are approved.
He described this situation as "enormous irresponsibility", when there are unequivocal signs of a cooling off in the economy, recognized by the Spanish government. "Andalusia is the most vulnerable, we are ceasing to grow at the rate we used to, it is enormously irresponsible to paralyze the Junta de Andalucía for a little over five months out of pure selfish interest of the Socialist Party and Ciudadanos, who consider that at this moment their electoral interests are benefited”.
Juanma Moreno also referred to the scandal that affects the president of the Huelva Provincial Council, Ignacio Caraballo, and showed his interest in knowing "what the president of the Board thinks about her situation, when she is going to go to trial for buying wills in a motion of censorship against the PP in a municipality of Huelva”.
The president of the Andalusian PP considered that "it is serious enough for the general secretary of the Andalusian socialists to give an explanation and serious enough, because this has been going on for a year, for Ciudadanos to have said something."