• The PP will request the appearance of the Comptroller General in Parliament to clarify if he is receiving the mandatory reports from the Board on control actions and review of subsidies
• Blockage in the information on training pending remittance to the PP by the Ministry of Employment, which has exhausted the deadlines for answering questions registered a year and a half ago.
• One of the issues refers to non-payments and cuts in training actions for employment for victims of gender violence in Andalusia.

Teresa Ruiz Sillero

Teresa Ruiz Sillero

The spokesperson for Employment of the Popular Group in the Parliament of Andalusia, Teresa Ruiz Sillero, has denounced the "concealment and lack of information and transparency" of the Ministry of Employment and the government of Susana Díaz regarding fraud for training for the employment.
The popular spokesperson announced that the PP will request the appearance of the Comptroller General in Parliament to clarify some relevant issues contained in the various reports from the provincial Employment delegations related to training fraud. The PP will again request the appearance of the Employment Minister in the Autonomous Chamber.
The Minister of Employment had to respond today in the Employment Commission of Parliament to seven questions on compliance with the measures that are included in the action reports derived from the special control of Vocational Training subsidies for Employment from 2009 to 2012 in the different Andalusian provinces –all except Almería, in which there is no report-.
This is information that the Popular Group has been requesting in writing for a year and a half, and that, as the response period has expired without the Board having ruled, they have been transferred as an oral question in committee, as marked the Rules of the Chamber.
It should be noted that these action reports were prepared once it was found that the Andalusian government had not complied with the recommendations of the special provincial reports on subsidies for Training for Employment. Ruiz Sillero recalled that the “exculpatory argument of former President José Antonio Griñán during his appearance before the ERE investigation commission was precisely that he was unaware of the relevant action reports, because they had not been forwarded to him. The former president himself associated political responsibility with the knowledge of these reports, which have enormous significance, ”he pointed out.
“The counselor has received nine performance reports, but we don't know what he is doing. There are provinces, as is the case of Granada, in which five years later there are more than fifty files pending review and they do not inform us if they have expired or are prescribed," he snapped.
“Even today, the files on which all the provincial auditors alerted in their special reports of June 2014 have not been reviewed, and three and a half years have passed. In the case of Seville, 40% of the 75 files randomly selected by the Ministry still have to be reviewed, ”he continued.
"The action report says that follow-up reports must be sent to the General Comptroller," said the popular deputy who said that "if things were being done well there would be nothing to hide."
He also demanded that the counselor "do not use officials as an excuse, since they are sufferers of this disastrous policy of the socialist governments in the Junta de Andalucía"
“It is not tolerable that the government of Susana Díaz, which boasts of transparency, does not report on the current picture of the subsidy files; that is, the situation of the files reviewed, the reimbursement files, if any, or the money recovered," said the popular deputy, who alluded to the fact that some of the subsidy files subject to financial control are related to companies " linked to the clientele network of the PSOE”.
"We are the only autonomous community that has had training paralyzed for years because of its autonomous government", reiterated Ruiz Sillero, who demanded that they must "ask forgiveness from the Andalusian unemployed and from the honest companies that have closed the blinds because of the bad management of the Junta de Andalucía”.
To this block of written questions substantiated today as oral questions due to the "blockage" in the Ministry and its lack of response on time also belong two others on the reimbursement of hiring incentives, and on non-payments and cuts in training for victims of gender violence.
The Employment spokesperson regretted that the government of Susana Díaz "has deprived these women of Vocational Training for Employment through scholarships and financial aid that are the responsibility of the Andalusian Government, because the courses were suspended", and considered a It is a scandal that since October 2015 the Andalusian government "has hidden this information from the Andalusian Parliament".