• Miguel Ángel Ruiz: "With 45% youth unemployment, we cannot afford the luxury of 140.000 young people having been left without a job in the last 5 years"
• Advocates for "modernizing the FP offer to adapt it to the demand and for a firm commitment to Dual FP, which is the one that best connects students with the labor market"
The spokesman for Education of the PPA in the Parliament of Andalusia, Miguel Ángel Ruiz, defended today an initiative to promote Vocational Training connected to the needs of the company, which especially promotes Dual Vocational Training. Ruiz assured that "with a youth unemployment rate of 45% and a school dropout rate of 23,5%, we cannot afford the luxury of thousands of Andalusian young people who want to study vocational training, not being able to do so due to lack of places".
In the Education Commission of the Andalusian Parliament, the popular spokesperson stated that "in the last five years, more than 140.000 Andalusian young people have been left without a place", for which reason "Vocational Training urgently needs a stable legislative framework in Andalusia".
Ruiz highlighted the need to "modernize the VT offer to adapt it to the existing demand" and advocated "a firm commitment to Dual VET, which is giving such good results in other European countries and which is the one that best connects students with the labor market.
He recalled that the Andalusian government has already announced the elaboration of a VT law that will address the problems that the system currently has and, in this sense, Ruiz pointed out that this law must provide VT with "quality, prestige and recognition it deserves”.